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Shopper study

A shopper study is a study describing the motivations and behaviours of choice and purchase of the buyer / consumer.

A shopper study can deal with the shopper on a global level or be interested in the buyer on a given consumer universe. It can be quantitative or qualitative.

There is a wide variety of shopper studies depending on the product universe and marketing channels taken into account. Shopper studies make it possible to adapt the product to expectations, but also to possibly provide elements of negotiation with regard to distribution within the framework of referencing agreements.

etude shopper
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Mystery Shopper

Mystery shopping is a method of quality control, marketing of a company, this technique aims to do a disguised audit in order to highlight the impacts on the proper functioning of the company. On the basis of specific evaluation criteria, well-trained customers are sent to a company. This technique can be done:

  • On an ad hoc basis
  • Or by a statistical method on the quality and marketing part

Highlight the client’s perception, in order to allow:

  • To rate and rank against equivalents for external orders (from the customer’s point of view
  • To carry out an audit, when it concerns a service ordered internally (from a brand point of view)

Cutomer expérience

Customer experience is a key business practice for ambitious companies.

Customer Experience is:

  • How customers remember all of their interactions with your company
  • The value proposition provided to a customer: from the basic service product, to all pre and post sales interactions with the customer
  • An interaction between an organization and a client perceived by a client’s conscious and subconscious mind
customer experience
experience patient

Patient experience

It is the set of interactions of a health organization with a patient and his relatives that can influence their perception throughout their health journey. These interactions are shaped both by the policy of the institution and by the history and culture of each patient.

Segmentation and typologies

The segmentation method consists in dividing individuals into a number of groups based on a set of pre-defined criteria (such as socio-demographic criteria).

The purpose of the typology is to form groups of individuals based on numerous criteria forming a multi-dimensional set and whose role in the classification is not known a priori.

The typology method consists of five steps:

  • data collection,
  • the calculation of the proximities between the elements,
  • the constitution of groups assigning each object to the group to which it is closest,
  • the interpretation of the results where each group is described based on its main characteristics,
  • the validation of the results to determine the quality of the solution obtained.
segmentation et typologies

Data mining

Data mining generally refers to the extraction of data, the analysis of a large amount of information stored in megabases or computer data warehouses.

Datamining is a process that applies artificial intelligence techniques to discover models within data, and is known to be particularly powerful in identifying customers who share the same characteristics.

Web mining

Web mining is the set of techniques that aim to explore, process and analyze the large amounts of information resulting from an Internet activity.

  • Web mining is partly derived from applications of data mining techniques.
  • Web mining can be interested in the data present on websites, we talk about text mining, or server-side data whose operation is closer to data mining techniques.
web mining
bornes smileys

Smileys terminals

Transform your customers’ journey / know the degree of commitment of your staff by measuring and acting in a targeted way thanks to the information collected in real time by the OMBEA terminals.

OMBEA Insights collects ongoing feedback from all your sales/contact points. It works 24/7/365 to give you a continuous flow of concrete and relevant data.

By placing our ExpressPods at key locations throughout your customers’ journey, you will benefit from a continuous flow of feedback. Being highly visible, accessible and easy to use, they will provide large volumes of data on your clients’ considerations and opinions.

Do not wait any longer to ask for a personalized quote !